What did our client need?
To understand the requirements and costs for the adaptation of a pathology laboratory into a molecular pathology one.
Our Solution:
A survey proposal to assess the determinations of molecular pathology-biology studies to be incorporated, necessary building renovations, required diagnostic platforms, human resources to be incorporated, human resources needing training, work methodologies to be integrated, existing workflow, and relationships with suppliers.
What did our client need?
Improvements in sample quality, standardization of the analytical processes used by their vendors, education in the pre-analytical process of samples, and interpretation of study results.
Our Solution:
A proposal for process standardization through the writing of procedures for surgery, endoscopy, pathological anatomy, NGS workflow, results interpretation, creation of a counter-reference circuit, continuous medical education, and vendor management.
What did our client need?
Consultation for the implementation of a molecular diagnostic laboratory in a government-affiliated oncology center.
Our Solution:
A proposal for infrastructure assessment, Quality Management System (QMS), human resources, sample traceability system, suppliers, equipment, studies to be conducted, etc. Implementation planning based on identified needs and pain points. Planning: Priorities, diagnostic algorithms, costs, and timelines. Implementation plan proposal: Development of the QMS, equipment installation, staff training, development of quality control policy, biosafety, laboratory best practices, monitoring plan, supplier agreements. Training: QMS, quality control policy, biosafety, laboratory best practices. Quality control through external validations and accreditations.